What Makes a Good Video Game?

6 min readSep 3, 2022


There are dependably games that appear to think outside the box or take a stab at a new thing, yet the four key components that must be in each fruitful computer game are:



3.Craftsmanship plan and illustrations


Zeroing in on those components is a strong beginning for any originator hoping to understand what compels a decent computer game. The remainder of your work will be in expanding on every one of them.

From Asteroids to Grand Theft Auto, computer games have been around for some time. Some have enormous game universes and storylines fit for any huge spending plan film. Computer games have progressed significantly since their introduction to the world in the last part of the 70s and are one of the most famous types of amusement today. So what makes effective games? Space rocks was very well known when it was made, yet today it likely wouldn’t grab somebody’s eye for in excess of a couple of moments.

We should take a gander at an instances of fruitful games in the past to distinguish the key fixings that, when added together, make a critical and engaging experience that can hold up to the present market.

Great Gameplay Edges out Great Stories

Regularly, you’d hear that story generally starts things out and without an incredible story, you can’t have an extraordinary game. While this can be valid for certain types, ongoing interaction is significant for all incredible games.

A hit game can be fabricated totally on incredible interactivity with practically no story. For example, the portable hit game Angry Birds doesn’t zero in on a convincing story, however it has unbelievable ongoing interaction. Story can be significant, however it doesn’t necessarily in all cases mean a tomfoolery and testing experience for the player.

Games are intended to be intuitive. They are a way for an individual to submerge themselves in an alternate setting or world. Dissimilar to a film where you’re only in the interest of personal entertainment, a game gives the player full oversight. In the event that the control is cumbersome or dreadful to play, you will not have an extraordinary game. Interactivity ought to have clear controls and great input to the player.

Simply take a gander at the Call of Duty series, particularly from Modern Warfare forward. Some would contend the story has never been the game’s solid point; players frequently don’t for even a moment trouble playing the mission since they’re more intrigued by the multiplayer. Important mission at hand and fight royale games like Fortnite and PUBG are incredible instances of how ongoing interaction decides the progress of a game. On the off chance that it’s an impact to play, individuals will need to play it.

A Great Story Is Still Vital

What compels a decent computer game? Despite the fact that we just said interactivity bests an extraordinary story, story actually assumes a vital part in a game’s prosperity. An extraordinary story can keep the player submerged on the planet you’ve made. Story and interactivity are both indispensable for having an extraordinary game. Players ought to feel connected to the characters and need to keep playing to perceive how the story unfurls.

While ongoing interaction is significant, it doesn’t necessarily in every case save a game. This particularly turns out as expected in the event that the game is a solitary player-just experience like the Batman Arkham series. In that sort of game, the story can ascend to higher significance.

While making a game, you ought to understand what sort of game you’re making and what experience the player ought to have. A game can be a method for recounting to a story in an intuitive setting. Ponder the most vivid games you’ve played, and the odds are the story attracted you and made you need to continue to play. Single-player games might be restricted in the generally speaking ongoing interaction they offer since there’s no multiplayer component, however they actually draw in a huge number of players on the grounds that the story is so very much told. Attempt to find a blend of both, extraordinary story and incredible ongoing interaction.

Great Art Style

Illustrations are critical for any computer game; it’s what the player sees. Everything from the conditions, the characters, and, surprisingly, the lighting all assume a part in the look and feel of the game. As equipment propels so do the illustrations being introduced to the player and that’s just the beginning and more games are inclining toward a hyper-practical encounter to assist with submerging the player.

Games brag sensible illustrations which fit the world and style of ongoing interaction the creators needed. Notwithstanding, extraordinary illustrations don’t necessarily in every case mean a very reasonable encounter. For a game to be incredible graphically doesn’t mean the illustrations must be a sure style.

Illustrations likewise don’t guarantee a fruitful game. For example, Ryse: Son of Rome had probably the most sensible and lovely illustrations when it was made; nonetheless, the game didn’t get a ton of positive input from the local area basically in light of the dull interactivity and the battle planned around fast time occasions.

It’s critical to bring up probably the most notable and outwardly engaging games don’t have sensible clear lines of sight; it’s the uniqueness which separates them. For instance, the Ratchet and Clank series is an incredibly famous game series that went for more cartoony designs which fit well with the kind of interactivity and story.

The Player Should Work for It

A game should be trying for the player. Gamers like to be tested. At the point when they complete a level or mission, they need to feel like they needed to work for itself and like they achieved something.

This can mean a difficult guide or level that is not generally simple to sort out where to go, causing somewhat more investigating and thinking on the players part to sort out some way to progress in the game or a supervisor that needs a viable smart system to overcome. This can be the very thing that makes a decent computer game into a genuine work of art.

An extraordinary illustration of this can be tracked down in the Halo series. You play as a super-warrior in cutting edge protective layer with safeguards and even overshields, yet you can’t generally run into a crowd of foes with firearms blasting and hope to get by for extremely lengthy. At the point when the foes bunch up, it presents considerably more of a test. There are likewise progressively strong foes, and that implies you can’t simply get involved without a blueprint.

There are even a few games that entertain this concept and spotlight on trouble and intricacy. Games like the Souls series, made by FromSoftware, give a trouble level where you are supposed to kick the bucket — and bite the dust a great deal — just to follow through with basic responsibilities in the game. This can be baffling for some gamers, however for other people, there is a significant feeling of achievement when they at long last accomplish their objective without getting run over by a wheel skeleton once again.




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